
Pastors & Staff

Rich Damey

Senior Pastor

Pastor Rich began his ministry in education. He taught various levels collectively for over twenty years. During this time, he completed his education and Ed. Specialist but felt the call to the pastoral ministry. FBBC called him and his family in December of 2011; they have served in this capacity since then. Pastor Rich and Lesli moved here with 4 children, and since serving here have been blessed with four more, all of whom are involved in the ministry at FBBC. Rich enjoys family time, lots of coffee with Lesli, jogging (but please don't stop and ask if he is ok if you see him running...he is!), and lots of sunshine. He is a California native, and has never outgrown his love of warm weather.  Rich and Lesli have been married for twenty-five years. 

Lesli Damey

Women's Ministry, Nursery, Welcome

Lesli is a native of Texas who also began her career in education. During her years teaching she also competed her Master's degree in education. Lesli has always been immersed in the ministry at FBBC; historically, she has worked where her children were and gradually added to her responsibilities as little ones grew. In addition to her church ministries, Lesli is always busy homeschooling six of her eight children, two of whom have graduated. Lesli enjoys reading, coffee shops with Rich, lots of family time and gardening anything green, indoors or outdoors. If Lesli is missing, she can be found in an armchair, drinking a cup of coffee, eating a Perfect Bar, and reading a great book!

Dan Gardner

Administrative Pastor

Dan came to FBBC as a staff member in 2007. He and his wife Missy have worked in every ministry that FBBC has, culminating in his tenure as Administrative Pastor. Dan directs all business aspects of the ministry, overseeing finances and technology. As a family, the Gardner family coordinates and maintains the audio/video ministry of the church. Dan also teaches the young adult Sunday School class, as well as contributes weekly to the worship of weekly services. In his spare time, Dan enjoys family time spent at the Genesee Air Museum. (ad accurate info here.)  Dan has been married to Missy, who also works in the ministries at FBBC, for nineteen years. They have two children who are involved in the church family life.  Dan comes to us from Illinois. 

Missy Gardner

Education Director

 Missy has worked with Dan since coming to FBBC; both of their children have been born here, and Missy has always worked in some way in the children's ministries. She is a naturally gifted and compassionate teacher who has a heart for reaching out to "littles," as she calls them. Missy coordinates the children's education ministry at FBBC; however, she has remained in the classroom as well, teaching children with a passion for the Gospel. While working in the video department of the church communication ministry,  Missy is a frequent contributor of various forms of worship in the weekly services. She is a homeschool mom of a middle and high school student, fueled by strong, dark coffee. 

Our Families

Pastor Rich and Lesli Damey, Zachary, Wesley, Trevor, Emilie, Elaina, Zane, Jack and Tucker
Pastor Dan and Missy Gardner, Logan and Gracie