
let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example...

I Timothy 4:12

We love young people, their energy, their questions, sometimes their skepticism...our objective as a church is to integrate every person of every age as an integral part of the body of Christ. However, we give some opportunity for youth to learn together in a different format. We have Sunday School classes for every age of youth through young adults, and small group meetings on Wednesday evenings at 7:00.  

Weekly Meetings

Sunday School

Sunday Morning: 10:00am-10:45am


Small Group

Wednesday Night: 7:00pm-8:30pm


Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

The teen small group is packed with action and study! Oh, and SNACKS! We endeavor to integrate all of the body of Christ into a unit, but small groups is when teens and young adults get together for some great games, great snacks, and great Bible Study. Spring 2024, we are studying Taking Courage, in the Book of Haggai. Our small groups reconvene in the spring and fall, Wednesday evenings at 7:00.

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